It is a mistake to confuse
the urgent with the important.
But how are we to know the difference?
The driving force behind Urgency is FEAR,
whereas it is spontaneous DESIRE that
can alert us to the important.
FEAR will make you hesitate,
hesitation will tear you violently out
of the present moment,and make
your worst nightmares come true.
Spontaneous DESIRE can help us to keep our finger on
the pulse of the present moment.
Remember it is spontaneous awareness that links us
to the limitless intuition of our Buddha nature.
The Teacher of the first Dalai Lama explained that
Tantra is NOT the path of NON-attachment,
but rather the way of desire.
Like high surf, desire can crash us violently
upon the rocks of suffering’s tyranny or
guide us dynamically to
the white sands of liberation’s bliss.
How can you make the distinctions necessary to
receive liberations bliss?
Ask your teacher.
You do have a teacher, don’t you?
You know, a high bodhisattva who
works with you, one-on-one, EVERY week,
either in-person or
over the FREE internet telephone?
Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika

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