Thursday, September 23, 2010

Masked Avenger


What’cha gonna do when you’re hanging out with someone,
and then all of a sudden something comes up,
either in your conversation, or on the T.V.
that invokes some painful emotions?

Will you just ignore the emotions and hope they go away?
{yeah, because that always works so well… NOT!}
Why doesn’t keeping secrets from your partner work out well?
Because deceit is the antidote to intimacy!

Or, in the name of getting everything off your chest
{and “just being honest”} will you tear off your companions face…
and eat it as a light snack,
like some post coital praying mantis?

#1 Tell your companion that you need to take a moment
#2 apply your teacher’s concise, silent, contemplative techniques
#3 rapidly process the issue at hand
#4 open your eyes, smile, turn to your companion…

thank him for his sensitivity
and BRIEFLY explain what your were processing,
from a place of peace…
you know, instead of as the Masked Avenger of Death!

The Thursday series of weekly webinars begins November 4th

May you and yours be
happy and healthy!

Om Mani Padme Hum,


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