Monday, September 20, 2010

Universal Parenthood


In the Tibetan Lam Rim tradition it has been taught
that we can use logic and belief to increase our compassion for all beings;
by first recalling the kindness of our own mother
and then reasoning that…

since we’ve had infinite lifetimes,
we’ve had infinite mothers
who are now the infinite living beings
suffering in each of Sam-sa-ra’s six realms.

However, it’s been my experience
that logic and belief are a house of cards
that will fail us
when we need them the most.

Sadly, although every Lama, nun and monk
have studied the notion of universal motherhood
few are enlightened by it.

Because few have truly assimilated it
in the MOST empowering way.

That is exactly why my students explore these teachings
NOT as dogma,
but merely as empowering possibilities to play with
using the tools of the:

• rhetorical,
• assumptive,
• well-worded,
• mantra-empowered
• contemplative questions
that are found in “Buddha’s Extensive Three Cauldrons.”

Therefore, when we refer to this doctrine of universal parenthood
we have to do so with the knowledge that
• some will not understand it,
• some will not agree with it,
• some will think that they’ve assimilated it when they have not, and
• the vast majority will not know what to do with it.

Ya know it’s like handing a gorilla a box of crayons
and then watching him eat it!

The Thursday series of weekly webinars begins November 4th

May you and yours be
happy and healthy!

Om Mani Padme Hum,


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