Friday, October 16, 2009

Transforming Aversion and Avarice


Transforming Aversion and Avarice!

What are two of the, so called, “Three Mental Poisons”?
Aversion and Avarice.
But please don’t make the newbie mistake of
simply trying NOT to feel distain or desire.

That’s as silly as trying NOT to think of the color red.
Try it.
Don’t think of a red apple.
Don’t think of a red fire engine.

Don’t think of the tip of a clown’s nose.
Yeah, pretty lame, huh?

So while the boobs are spastically flailing about,
desperately trying NOT to feel the impulses of
aversion or avarice, the Bodhisattvas are simply
relaxing into awareness.

They are NOT surprised when either distain or desire manifest,
in fact, the opposite is the case.
Just as a cat crouches in front of a mouse-hole,
waiting for it’s quarry,

likewise a seasoned student of Buddha’s teachings is
ready to use both aversion and avarice and harness their
energy to progress even further upon Buddha’s paths of
Compassion and Love.

Come, let us reason.
What is the longest you’ve ever gone without eating;
one day, one week?

If after 14 days without food could your guts ache with
genuine hunger?

Of course you wouldn’t enjoy that pain.
But, rather than foolishly lament that you’d dare to
FEEL aversion, you could simply ask these power questions:

“How could these feelings NOT be satisfactory?”
“How could many others now be subject to these same sufferings?”
“What are some of the reasons I could long for all others to be free from such sufferings?”

You could therefore take action with the following
statements of intention, volition and will that
are empowered with invocation:

“May ‘I’ be freed from these sufferings and their causes;
Om Mani Padme Hum!”
“May everyone be freed from these sufferings and their causes;
Om Mani Padme Hum!”

Now that you’ve seen how to transform aversion into compassion,
How will you do the same for avarice and love?

Have you read “Suffering Sucks”?

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika

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