Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Beware of Why!


Beware of Why!

Beware of the word, “Why.”
For it can be the key that
unlocks the door to story.

Whether it’s the past’s history or
the future’s fantasy,
there is a price we have to pay for
the folly of going into story.

Going into story is one of the most
efficient means of abandoning the
resourcefulness of the present moment;
and who wants to do that?

Answering “Why” questions can
rip us violently out of now,
like a button being torn off a heavy
woolen coat on a frozen winter’s morn.

Therefore be wary of those who habitually
ask “why” for it can be a favorite tool of
the energy vampire to steal both your
resourcefulness as well as your power.

What are you doing to habitually harness the
splendor of the present moment?
Which monk, is working with you every week,
one-on-one, either in-person or over the telephone?

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika

How could you converse with my other students?

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Health, Vitality, Longevity, Strength, Beauty and Leanness?

My silliness is now on YouTube:

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How could you help Feed a Monk for only One dollar?

Could you desire One-On-One Instruction either
in-person or over the internet telephone?



1 comment:

Jordan Kliimp said...

Why gifts us the ability to form the energy we are wanting also! :)