Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Transforming Fear into Compassion and Freedom


The sensation of Fear can be very intense.
It can freeze our thoughts
It can freeze our actions
The energy of fear can feed on it’s self like a downward spiral.

When most of us feel fear, we
do not know what to do with it’s energy.
Some folks try to drink it away.
Some folks try to sex it away.

Some folks try to cry it away.
Some folks try to scream it away.

But like some monster in a “B” movie, it won’t stay dead,
and it will not stop chasing us,
until it has sucked the joy out of our lives,
and made fools of us, one and all.

You are now armed with two sets of exercises:
#1 the verbal Compassion exercises and
#2 the verbal Wisdom exercises.

In the Compassion exercises we explore the
intention to free everyone from fear.
In the Wisdom exercises we play with questions that both
a) – deconstruct fear, as well as
b) – help us to let go of it.

How could these two sets of exercises benefit us?
#1 They stop that guilt and the self condemnation that
seeks to punish us for feeling what we’re feeling and
for not liking it.

#2 Actually creates karmic causes to heal the fear.
#3 Nurtures our experience of Compassion.

#4 Creates the karmic causes to free everyone from fear,
further increases our compassion and
multiplies our good karma.
#5 Increase our concentration, peace and bliss,

#6 Loosens our attachment to fear,
#7 Wakes us up from the dream or illusion that
that bad feeling, what ever it may be,
will last forever and get worse and worse every second.

#8 Engages our imagination to explore the possibility, that
fear might NOT be as permanent or as
graspable as it can seem.
#9 Helps us to explore the possibility of letting go of fear,

#10 Strengthens our will and resolve to
let go of fear and it’s causes
#11 Turns the act of beneficially letting go into
a live transforming habit.

What could you do today, to sow the seeds of a better tomorrow?

The Friday series of weekly webinars begins in just 5 weeks!

May you and yours be
happy and healthy!

Om Mani Padme Hum,
NON-sectarian Buddhist: Monk, Teacher, Healer and Tantrika

Who is Kwan Yin, Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara and the Buddha of Compassion?

What is the difference between a Buddha, a Bodhisattva and a Boob?

What is the Six-syllable mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, and what does it mean?

What is Enlightenment?

What is the key to Breathing meditation?

What is Suffering?

Did you know it's possible to transform sorrow, anger and fear into joy, love, peace and the wisdom of Letting-go?

With so many meditation teachers, lamas, roshis, rinphoches, sifus, bhantes and methods to select from, how could you know which one to rely upon?

Could you be curious about the Buddhist practice of Tantric Sex? Then check out essay #1 and Essay #2

How could Buddhism compare to other spiritual traditions?

What is the spiritual freedom and liberation that Buddha offers us?

What did the Dalai Lama say the Meaning of Life was, and what could that mean?


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