Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Three Times


When we come across the phrase “The Three Times” while
reading contemporary translations of
ancient Buddhist texts,
what are they talking about?

The three times are:
#1 Past,
#2 Present and
#3 Future.

In the ancient Madhyamaka Shastras of Nagarjuna we
read that one really can not occupy either the past or
the future but only the present moment.

Of course we have the capacity to recall or
even confabulate the past that
we might learn, and
like wise, we have the ability to
imagine the future of either our dreams or nightmares, that
we may plan accordingly.

funny pictures of dogs with captions

Are these necessarily bad things?
Of course not; it
depends on how they’re used.

Our resistance to move forward can
be directly proportional to both our lust for the past and
our dread of the future.

funny pictures of dogs with captions

In the movie Strange Days the
leading lady explains to the protagonist who’s
squandering his present,
by obsessing about the past, that,

“…memories were meant to fade…”

Our greatest fulfillment is NOT found in
the past’s glories or tragedies, nor
in our future’s pleasures or torments, but
in what we do with THIS present moment.

Can you remain centered, in this moment, even
when memories assail you?
Can you be resourceful, in the here and now, even
while planning for your future.

Nope, Buddha is not the fiend Hannibal Lector, who
wishes to remove the top Ray Liotta’s skull that
he may feed upon his brains.

Come, let us not confuse Shakyamuni or Gautama with
Hannibal Buddha who
wishes to dine upon our
recall or anticipation.

funny pictures - *bwains*

Buddha does NOT invite us to perform a home lobotomy, so
put down the running power drill, and
no one will get hurt.

What then are we to do with our natural capacity to
recall and plan?

Are they our foes?
Must we arm ourselves against them as
Homer J. Simpson would fend off his common sense?
No, not so much.

Come let us simply notice when they assert themselves.
Rather than fight or indulge them, let’s
bring them into the paths of:
• Devotion,
• Awareness,
• Compassion and
• Letting-go.

Come let us consider this process:
#1) – First, the spears of recall or anticipation pierce the
sphere of our perception {awareness}.

#2a) – if the memories or fantasies are painful then we
apply our teachers instructions and
invoke the Buddha of Compassion {devotion} to
take away other’s similar sufferings {compassion}.

For instance, if our memory fills us with anger then we
metaphysically take away other’s anger and it’s causes.

Funny Pictures of Cats With Captions

#2b) – if the memories or fantasies are pleasurable, we can
use the teachings and invocations to
give that pleasure to others {love}.

If our fantasies bring us joy then we
can use Buddhas mental-yoga to
lavish all others with vast amounts of
joy and it’s causes.

funny dog pictures - Happy Sundog!

#3 we can then use Buddha’s wisdom practices to
deconstruct the memories or fantasies and truly let-go of them {wisdom}.

And that, my friends, is how we coexist with the past and future with out
allowing them to pull us off our center;
that is how we can actually use the past and future to
reinforce our present moment application of Buddha’s yoga of mind.

When could you learn his techniques?

This year's Thursday-night series of weekly webinars begins Tomorrow night!
You could register now .

May you and yours be
happy and healthy!

Om Mani Padme Hum,
NON-sectarian Buddhist: Monk, Teacher, Healer and Tantrika

Who is Kuan Yin, Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara and the Buddha of Compassion?

What is the difference between a Buddha, a Bodhisattva and a Boob?

What is the Six-syllable mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, and what does it mean?

What is Enlightenment?

What is the key to Breathing meditation?

What is Suffering?

Did you know it's possible to transform sorrow, anger and fear into joy, love, peace and the wisdom of Letting-go?

With so many meditation teachers, lamas, roshis, rinphoches, sifus, bhantes and methods to select from, how could you know which one to rely upon?

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How could Buddhism compare to other spiritual traditions?

What is the spiritual freedom and liberation that Buddha offers us?

What did the Dalai Lama say the Meaning of Life was, and what could that mean?

What is meant by Karma, causality and cause and effect?

What can we do with our painful emotions?

How could we manifest the ideal Marriage?

What methods could you use to fill your heart with the Bliss of Gratitude?

If you like to receive Reiki then you'll love Lama Jigme's Healing Energy treatments.

What is the subtle art of Awareness {Rigpa} and Letting-go that could be the secret to mastering Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Zen and Vipassana?

What is the four-fold Yoga of Buddha ?

Have you registered for the live, on-line, Webinar, Meditation class?

If you're curious about the Paleo, Vegetarian or Vegan life styles or weight-loss is an issue in your life then you could benefit from these FREE videos.


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