Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Poison of Ignorance


And no, when I say “Poison” I’m NOT
referring to a lame-ass, spandex-wearing,
wanna-be rock band from the late 80’s!

Way back when I was a traditional student of
the more Hyper-conservative presentation Tibetan Buddhism, I was
concerned about the mental poison of “Ignorance” because,
quite frankly, my teachers could NOT explain
emptiness” to save their lives.

But folks, I’m here to tell ya that
the mental poison of Ignorance is NOT
our failure to become erudite scholars.

In Buddhist circles it can be argued that ignorance has two aspects:
#1 a failure to recognize Causality and interconnection as well as
#2 a failure to explore the ramifications of Impermanence.

Falling House of Cards

When we think about those who politically act as if
they were waging war,
NOT against poverty,
BUT against the poor themselves…

…one can’t help but wonder how
butter fingered their grasp must be on the two notions of
causality and impermanence.

We know it’s NOT true, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s
pretend that every right-wing conservative was
a Christian fundamentalist.

God bless the Christian fundamentalists!
My favorite ones are those who:
• sincerely,
• enthusiastically, and
• intelligently
strive to apply the wisdom of the new testament.
Hey, there’s some really good stuff in there.

What troubles me are the ones who aren’t so
sincere, intelligent or good hearted.
Those are the ones who tend to forget what Christ taught about:
• the dangers of greed, fear and hate as well as
• the necessity of generosity, compassion and love.

They are the ones who forget that in the book of James it is written,

“…be thou NOT deceived,
what thou hast sown,
thou shalt reap!”

They are also the ones who forget that in
the 1st book of John it is written,

“…perfect love drives OUT fear;”

or that in the letter to the Galations we can read that
hate is a work of the flesh
and NOT a fruit of the spirit
although love, goodness, kindness and {you guessed it} generosity are!

May everyone who espouses to be a Christian Fundamentalist be truly:
• good hearted,
• wise and
• enthusiastic
in their application of Christ’s teachings.

Hey, angry man who wants to deny the
sick and the elderly SSI or Medicare…

Tea Partiers Mock and Scorn a Parkinson’s Victim

…remember that Christ taught impermanence in
the sermon on the mount when he mentioned the flowers that
are beautiful and living today, but dead and thrown in the oven tomorrow.
If flowers are impermanent, couldn’t wealth be as well?

How darkly ironic it could be, if
the social safety nets that an angry man declared Jihad upon, were
no longer there after
his wealth went the way of Adam?

Causality and Impermanence… they Don't just effect Buddhists!

There are only 4 more weeks until this year's Thursday-night series of weekly webinars!
You could register now .

May you and yours be
happy and healthy!

Om Mani Padme Hum,
NON-sectarian Buddhist: Monk, Teacher, Healer and Tantrika

Who is Kuan Yin, Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara and the Buddha of Compassion?

What is the difference between a Buddha, a Bodhisattva and a Boob?

What is the Six-syllable mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, and what does it mean?

What is Enlightenment?

What is the key to Breathing meditation?

What is Suffering?

Did you know it's possible to transform sorrow, anger and fear into joy, love, peace and the wisdom of Letting-go?

With so many meditation teachers, lamas, roshis, rinphoches, sifus, bhantes and methods to select from, how could you know which one to rely upon?

Could you be curious about the Bliss of Tantric Sex? Then check out these two essays

How could Buddhism compare to other spiritual traditions?

What is the spiritual freedom and liberation that Buddha offers us?

What did the Dalai Lama say the Meaning of Life was, and what could that mean?

What is meant by Karma, causality and cause and effect?

What can we do with our painful emotions?

How could we manifest the ideal Marriage?

What methods could you use to fill your heart with the Bliss of Gratitude?

If you like to receive Reiki then you'll love Lama Jigme's Healing Energy treatments.

What is the subtle art of Awareness {Rigpa} and Letting-go that could be the secret to mastering Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Zen and Vipassana?

What is the four-fold Yoga of Buddha ?

Have you registered for the live, on-line, Webinar, Meditation class?

If you're curious about the Paleo, Vegetarian or Vegan life styles or weight-loss is an issue in your life then you could benefit from these FREE videos.


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