Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sour Pussed Ascetics


When we read
“Seeing this three-fold world
as a fleeting illusion,
you have left this world’s concerns behind
like spit in the dust.”

It can be tempting to fall into the trap of
the sour pussed ascetic who
equates renunciation with hating everything.
There is a special word in Sanskrit for someone like that… “Idiot!

Lower renunciation is all about rejecting the
causes of MY sufferings.

But higher renunciation is about helping all OTHERS to
be freed from sufferings and their causes, by
supernaturally lavishing them with the mind-sets of:
• gratitude,
• awareness,
• love and
• the wisdom of letting-go.

funny dog pictures - Bless you mai son. Go in peace.

Again, it can be confusing when we read passages such as:

“Accepting all hardships,
you have followed
in the footsteps of the masters of old.”

Accepting all hardships?
What could that mean?

After a long day of flogging our shoulders,
are we to put on a nice, itchy hair shirt,
and lay upon our bed of nails for a good night’s sleep?

Nope, not so much!
Remember the teacher of the 14th Dalai Lama explained that
there were 10 levels on the path to enlightenment.

If we are to avoid getting bogged down in
the lower Bhumis {or levels} it’s imperative that
we NOT mess around with the “greasy kid’s stuff” of
needless asceticism.

Then what are the productivehardships” that
do lead to the tenth level of full enlightenment?

The hardship of resisting the programming of our poor coping strategies.

We are all really good at distracting ourselves.
When we’re in pain we’ve previously found it so easy to
numb ourselves with:
• cathartic conversation,
• over eating,
• entertainment,
• alcohol, and
• illicit drugs.

funny pictures of cats with captions

But rather then shoving our head someplace warm and dark…
like our arm pits, a
wise Bodhisattva stands his ground,
takes the bull {of his suffering} by the horns…

stares unflinchingly into his eyes and
reaches through his gaping maw,
deep down into the belly of the beast…

All that animal husbandry aside, rather then
run from our:
• circumstantial,
• physical,
• emotional or
• mental pain

let’s bring it into Buddha’s paths of:
• devotion,
• awareness,
• love and
• letting-go.

By enthusiastically allowing the energy of
our hardships to feed our virtues we
will rapidly master Buddha’s four yogas to the point of
being able to practice them:
• spontaneously,
• habitually,
• easily and

demotivational posters - STORM TROOPERS

That is the goal,
that is Buddhahood,
that is what is meant by the phrase
accomplishing the Buddha of Compassion”.

That is the ONLY practical application of
facing life’s hardships head-on.
What’s your greatest challenge, and
how will you use it to feed your wisdom?

There are only 2 more weeks until this year's Thursday-night series of weekly webinars!
You could register now .

May you and yours be
happy and healthy!

Om Mani Padme Hum,
NON-sectarian Buddhist: Monk, Teacher, Healer and Tantrika

Who is Kuan Yin, Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara and the Buddha of Compassion?

What is the difference between a Buddha, a Bodhisattva and a Boob?

What is the Six-syllable mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, and what does it mean?

What is Enlightenment?

What is the key to Breathing meditation?

What is Suffering?

Did you know it's possible to transform sorrow, anger and fear into joy, love, peace and the wisdom of Letting-go?

With so many meditation teachers, lamas, roshis, rinphoches, sifus, bhantes and methods to select from, how could you know which one to rely upon?

Could you be curious about the Bliss of Tantric Sex? Then check out these two essays

How could Buddhism compare to other spiritual traditions?

What is the spiritual freedom and liberation that Buddha offers us?

What did the Dalai Lama say the Meaning of Life was, and what could that mean?

What is meant by Karma, causality and cause and effect?

What can we do with our painful emotions?

How could we manifest the ideal Marriage?

What methods could you use to fill your heart with the Bliss of Gratitude?

If you like to receive Reiki then you'll love Lama Jigme's Healing Energy treatments.

What is the subtle art of Awareness {Rigpa} and Letting-go that could be the secret to mastering Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Zen and Vipassana?

What is the four-fold Yoga of Buddha ?

Have you registered for the live, on-line, Webinar, Meditation class?

If you're curious about the Paleo, Vegetarian or Vegan life styles or weight-loss is an issue in your life then you could benefit from these FREE videos.


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